Kitebuilders of Apeldoorn 2006,
I have changed my red/yellow 2 meter Person Roller just a little bit with very good results.
I have decreased the length of the two top sides left and right of the top sail with 2 cm On each side.
These sides are more tight now, while the rest of the top sail sides are still bellying under pressure of the wind.
This has lead to a more steady flight, a wider wind range and a higher flying angle.
The sides were decreased at the top of the sail. For me it was easy, because I have two different colours and the yellow and the red part is sewn together in the middle. I seperated them apart for about 15 cm and cut off 2 cm at the top deminishing to 0 cm at 15 cm down from the top.
This is later on covered with the edge banding, so hardly visible.
The enclosed pictures shows you the kite as it was in Apeldoorn where the two sides of the top sail were still too loosen.
Everything clear for all of you?
If you prefer a small sketch with changed sizes, please let me know.
Mit freundlichen Grüss,
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